Continuation of Part 1 of 2
Steps parents can take to keep their children safer online.
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube
Blog for Internet Safety Speaker, Writer, and Host of the Internet Safety Podcast: Big Mama’s House Podcast – Jesse Weinberger. Welcome parents, teachers, and schools looking for guidance and resources on Internet Safety, Digital Parenting, and Device Use – you’re in the right place.
Continuation of Part 1 of 2
Steps parents can take to keep their children safer online.
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube
* Discussion on limiting app usage.
* (now called TikTok)
* Live-streaming
* Houseparty
Part 1 of 2: Discussing managing your child’s interaction with devices.
* Family contract, setting limits
* Saying ‘no’ to your children
* Parental complicity
Appearance on (the now cancelled) day-time talk show Security Brief TV – focused on mass shootings. This segment is focused on how social media and web use may play a part of the lives of both shooter and victim. Specifically mentioned: Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook shooter.