This episode of Mel Robbins focuses on online challenges which seek to prey on children – the show features four families whose children died by suicide after playing these “games.” The daughter of the fifth family survived, after she accidentally set herself on fire in her bedroom trying to recreate a TikTok challenge.

In particular the show talks about the Blue Whale Challenge and the Choking Challenge – but other risks are discussed such as cutting, self-harm, etc.

Continuation of Part 1 of 2

Steps parents can take to keep their children safer online.

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube

* Discussion on limiting app usage.

*  (now called TikTok)

* Live-streaming


* Houseparty

Part 1 of 2: Discussing managing your child’s interaction with devices.

* Family contract, setting limits

* Saying ‘no’ to your children

* Parental complicity

Appearance on (the now cancelled) day-time talk show Security Brief TV – focused on mass shootings. This segment is focused on how social media and web use may play a part of the lives of both shooter and victim.  Specifically mentioned: Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook shooter.