Season 02 : Episode 01 : 496 Pickups aka Parents Overusing Devices

Episode Summary

We know that most adults are just as addicted to their devices as their children. The rule at the dinner table is no phones – but somehow dad or mom have theirs because they’re “working.” The idea that only kids are making mistakes with technology is absurd. If you’re sick of your parents yelling at you about your phone use, but your parents are doing the same things, this episode will give you some strategies in how you can confront your parents (in a good way) about your parent’s  device overuse.

REMEMBER: Be careful and avoid moist dudes in basements

Co-host: Big Mama’s cousin – George

How kids and teens can confront their parents (in a good way) about the parent’s device overuse. The rule at the dinner table is no phones – but somehow dad or mom have theirs because they’re “working.” The idea that only kids are making mistakes with technology is absurd.

George reveals his 3.5 day usage on his phone showed that he “picked-up” his phone 469 times. Why? His son, Luke, confronted him about his device usage in a way that stopped George in his tracks and made him more aware of his phone usage.

Big Mama put together a family contract written from a teen’s perspective which kids can use to confront their parents in a positive way.

It includes items like: I can’t pause a live game, and please ask me before posting pictures of me on your social media.

You can download the teen family contract here.

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